Who is Sedona Prince? Rylee LeGlue breakup drama explained as cheating allegations go viral on socia

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Although basketball player Sedona Prince and TikToker Rylee LeGlue broke up last summer, the split has been the talk of the town even after several months. After dating for over a year, the lesbian couple called it quits in July 2022, deeming it a “mutual breakup,” as they claimed to have separated on amicable terms.

However, at the time, rumors on social media alleged that Sedona Prince had cheated on Rylee. The rumors grew stronger when Sedona also posted about her relationship troubles in the past, which also made Rylee post about how Sedona cheated on her while the couple was dating.

The drama became even more intense when Sedona posted a video and admitted to having a relationship with someone else. However, she added that she cheated when they were “on a break.” While she apologized and stated how she regretted her actions, social media still bashed her for cheating on her former girlfriend.

With recent news of Sedona Prince allegedly suing Rylee for defamation, their breakup is making rounds on social media once again. No lawsuit has been filed as of this writing, but the speculations of Sedona taking legal action against her ex-girlfriend are getting stronger by the minute.

Sedona Prince is a 22-year-old college basketball player who was born in May 2000. She has gained massive recognition for being active on TikTok and other social media platforms, where she posts videos to increase awareness and create an equal space for women in sports.

Rumors of a defamation suit surround Sedona Prince and Rylee LeGlue's breakup: More details explored

More than seven months after Sedona and Rylee’s breakup, the two are back in the news as several Tiktok accounts are alleging that the Sedona Prince is all set to sue her ex-girlfriend for defaming her.

While there is no doubt that the two called it a “mutual breakup” when they were first parting ways, they suddenly dropped a bomb when Rylee revealed that the reason for their breakup might be Sedona being unfaithful.

Many are now sharing a deleted video of Sedona, where she is heard saying:

“Yes I cheated, I cheated on time, and it was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. There is no excuse for cheating, so I’m not going to give you one.”
Social media users shared Sedona's deleted video where she revealed how she cheated on Rylee. (Image via TikTok)

Things got heated up as Rylee, too, began posting a lot about their relationship. Ultimately, after the reveal, social media users began picking sides, and most of them bashed Sedona for her actions. All of this has now brewed the rumor about Sedona suing Rylee for defamation.

Although news of the alleged defamation has come through some TikTok accounts, there has still been no official announcement about the lawsuit by Sedona Prince or Rylee.

All you should know about Sedona Prince

Sedona Prince is a college basketball player who rose to success after posting videos on TikTok. She also came out as lesbian when she made her relationship with Rylee public.

She is best known for sharing her personal journey on TikTok, where she also works towards achieving gender equality in sports. Furthermore, a few of her videos went viral 2 years back, in 2021, where she tried to highlight the difference between the women's and men’s weight room during the 2021 NCAA Basketball tournament.

In the video, Prince disclosed that the female teams received a meager assortment of six dumbbells with varying weights, in stark contrast to the abundance of gym equipment available to their male counterparts.

Prince has also won many awards for her performance as a basketball player. These include the Big 12 Commissioner’s Honor Roll and the McDonald’s High School All-American award.

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