Where to find Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery

Publish date: 2024-04-16

Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery is a brand new mini-game that players can partake in until the servers are back online. It can be accessed by visiting this website: https://www.fortnitechapter4.com.

Here's a brief step-by-step guide on how to use it:

  • Click on the above link.
  • Once the page loads, press "Start."
  • Enter a coordinate and press the blue up-arrow key to go to said coordinate.
  • Similar to how players used telescopes during the live event to spot POIs floating in space, they must now find coordinates to discover certain objects. These items will provide some insight into the cosmetics and new mechanics/vehicles/characters coming to the game.

    However, the task has proven to be tougher than initially imagined. So far, only two discoveries have been made: a motorcycle and a Pickaxe/Harvesting Tool, presumably belonging to Geno.

    By the looks of things, the community will be on the hunt for a while. Nevertheless, here's how to find some Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery.

    Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery are an enigma at the moment

    According to the community, Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery can only be found via hints in-game. Given that the official livestream on YouTube ended after the client crashed, getting coordinates will be a tad difficult until things are fixed.

    With that being the case, there's only one way to find Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery. Players will have to guess and jot down the right combination. However, there's a critical flaw in this method.

    According to Twitter personality Lucas7yoshi, there are 2,821,109,907,456 possible combinations to figure out all the Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery. Considering that so far only 1% have been discovered, this may take some time.

    On that note, given that the downtime will last between 12 and 14 hours, players will have a lot of time to find the right coordinates. In all probability, Epic Games will slowly start dropping hints on social media as time passes by.

    Moments ago, Brie Larson, who plays The Paradigm in-game, posted a set of coordinates via a tweet. Over the next few hours, players can expect to find more in a similar fashion.

    How many Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery are there in total?

    If the two objects make up 1% of the total discoveries that are out there, this would suggest that there are over 200 objects/points of interest waiting to be found. However, these numbers may vary based on Epic Games’ discretion.

    Furthermore, given that no coordinates have been found for well over an hour now, this could take some time. Nevertheless, as coordinates are found, players will be able to enter them to take a closer look at the items and objects that will be present in Chapter 4 Season 1.

    If nothing else, this is a good way to keep the community entertained and, most importantly, preoccupied while the downtime is implemented. Even if all Fortnite Coordinates for Chapter 4 discovery cannot be found, if nothing else, it's a fun mini-game to try out.

    The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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