Overflod Autarch in GTA Online: Price, performance, and more

Publish date: 2024-06-05

GTA Online has received another weekly update from Rockstar Games, giving massive discounts on selected vehicles.

Players can get a brand new Overflod Autarch at 30% off this week. However, with so many vehicles available in GTA Online, they could wonder if it’s still worth purchasing in 2022.

Let’s learn more about the vehicle below, including its price, performance, and more.

Everything about GTA Online super car, Overflod Autarch

The Overflod Autarch is a 2-door hypercar introduced during the Festive Surprise 2017 event. Its overall design is based on the real-life Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG 003.

The rear side of the ride is based on the real-life McLaren Senna, whereas other parts, such as the diffuser, are inspired by the real-life KTM X-Bow GT4. Two adjustable shock absorbers and springs can be seen through its windscreen, just like the X80 Proto.

It comes with a primary color on the body and secondary color in the form of a rear stripe to the roof top as well as parts of the rear body panels which adds to the car’s visual appearance. The interior designs share the same dials and textures as the FMJ vehicle.

Regarding its performance, the vehicle seems powered by a single-overhead Camshaft V8 with a 6-speed gearbox adjusted to a rear-mid engine with a rear-wheel-drive layout. It has the same engine as the Turismo R and the Cheetah cars in-game.

The vehicle’s engine sounds heavy-revived and loud, like a higher-pitched GP1 engine.

The Överflöd Autarch is available at a 30% discount this week, and players can get it for as low as $1,368,500 from the Legendary Motorsport website in GTA Online.

The website describes the vehicle as:

“This is not a hypercar. It’s not a sports prototype or a concept GT. It’s something else. Something much, much better. And this isn’t even an advert for whatever it is. The Autarch doesn’t need an advert. It doesn’t need anything it doesn’t have already, least of all the approval of irrelevance like you. No, you need it: more than you need money, dignity, or life itself. Go on, we dare you not to buy it.”

Is it worth buying Overflod Autarch in 2022?

Visually, the vehicle looks outstanding with its sleek and aerodynamic profile. On the performance side, it does pack a lot of power. Even though it’s one of the most competitive hypercars, its top speed still lacks behind the Vagner, XA-21, and RE-7B around a track.

On the other hand, its outstanding cornering capabilities should be appreciated. The car also supports downforce like many rides in the game, but it has been cranked up, making steering a bit sluggish in everyday driving in Los Santos. This also results in spin-outs under certain circumstances.

Even though the car is not recommended to be purchased at full price, the current 30% discount is an excellent offer for users to get it for their vehicle collection in GTA Online.

Note: This article reflects the author’s views.

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