jayvon pryor charlotte and jayvon pryor obituary queens university charlotte

Publish date: 2024-04-11

The Queens College campus is shrouded in sadness today as we grieve the devastating loss of 19-year-old track and field athlete Jayvon Pryor, who passed away unexpectedly on December 7, 2023. In the wake of this tragedy, Jayvon's family, friends, teammates, coaches, and the entire Queens community are left shocked and heartbroken.

Candlelight Vigil Honors Jayvon's Vibrant Life

To honor Jayvon's bright spirit and uplifting presence on campus, the college will host a candlelight vigil this evening from 6:30-7:30PM near the campus clock tower. All students and faculty are welcome to gather, share memories, and support each other through this difficult time. The vigil will provide a fitting opportunity for us to mourn Jayvon together and pay tribute to his tragically shortened life and promising future.

Coaches & Teammates Lost "One of Their Boys"

As Head Cross Country Coach Marc Gault expresses, coaches often lovingly refer to their athletes as their "kids." In losing Jayvon, 19 years old and just in his freshman year at Queens, many caring mentors indeed lost one of their boys. Jayvon's trademark jokes and constant smile already left an indelible, team-bonding stamp on his coaches and cross country and track teammates.

Fellow athletes describe Jayvon as the spirited jokester who could effortlessly lighten any situation. Yet underneath his playful exterior, they sensed Jayvon's deeper worries about navigating college-level academics and life so far from home. Still adjusting to Queens, Jayvon clearly relied on the support and guidance of his tight-knit running community. For these teammates, Jayvon's loss has torn open a profoundly painful absence in their daily routines and emotional foundations.

Campus Urged to Check In On One Another's Mental Health

Reacting to the heartbreak across Queens College, school officials emphasize the on-campus counseling services and other resources available to help students process emotions related to Jayvon's passing. While the grief may seem overwhelming today, we all have a responsibility to face it together and encourage one another to open up about any mental health struggles.

Coach Gault poignantly appeals to his fellow coaches to promptly discuss suicide prevention strategies with their athletes. College students as a population are at an elevated risk for suicide and self-harm. By fostering team cultures centered on mutual trust and care for mental wellbeing, coaches and mentors can make all the difference in getting vulnerable students the help they need.

Jayvon's Memory to Motivate Team's Continued Success

Despite the deep anguish of losing their promising teammate, the Queens College track program finds motivation in honoring Jayvon's legacy. Over the next four years that Jayvon had left at the school, his teammates commit to channeling fond memories of Jayvon's vibrant spirit as they continue striving for championships and personal bests.

While no feats on the track can makeup for Jayvon's absence, the team takes comfort in knowing their efforts will reflect the positive difference Jayvon made at Queens. The men's and women's track and field teams plan to commemorate Jayvon at their annual banquet each year, ensuring his inspirational impact lives on.

Final Goodbyes to a Teammate Gone Too Soon

As the Queens campus processes the painful loss of one of its most vibrant student-athletes, we ask that students, faculty, and community members respect Jayvon's family members as they privately mourn. The Pryor family appreciates the public tributes in Jayvon's honor but has declined requests for comment at this time.

For now, we wrap Jayvon in our hearts and memories - recalling his talents on the track, jokes in the locker room, dreams for the future, and treasured spot in the Royals cross country family. You left us far too soon, Jayvon - may you rest in peace dear friend, brother, and teammate.
