Is Kim Kardashian a Libra?

Publish date: 2024-05-10

In popular myth, it is thought that the positioning of the stars influences a person’s character traits. It is not uncommon then to wonder whether Kim Kardashian’s drive and her social media fame could be down to her astrological make up.

Kim Kardashian is a Libra as she was born October 21, 1980 which is between the Libra zodiac sign birth dates of September 23 and October 23.

Read more below about Kim and the Kardashian family’s birth signs, and whether or not Zodiac signs really have an influence over a person’s character.

Kim’s Astrology

If she were born only two days later things may have been different, October 23 being the star sign of the Scorpio, but since Kim was born October 21 this makes her a Libra.

According to Cosmopolitan Librans are “diplomatic, understanding, smart, social, gracious, and artistic people.” Not only this, the symbol of the Libra is scales, representing harmony and balance. Admirable traits like being rational and well grounded have also been attributed to the sign.

As well as being a Venus-ruled constellation, Kim’s astrological birth date gives her the Pisces moon sign, making her particularly good at picking up on others emotions, along with the Sagittarius rising sign, said to be a group of intelligent, courageous, and optimistic individuals. Someone else with their moon in Pisces is Kayne West, whilst the rap-artist’s star sign is Gemini his moon matches up with Kim’s, making them, even astrologically, the perfect match.

Kim can also be seen on Instagram below, showing off a “metallic cobalt blue” eye shadow from her own range, a colour that she has called “Libra”. She further adds that her and her make-up artist Mario Dedivanovic are both Libras.

Zodiac Signs of the Kardashian Family

Every member of the Kardashian-Jenner family has always been extremely open about their habits, mannerisms, preferences, and so forth. The strong-willed celebs are open books on their show Keeping Up With the Kardashians and are admired for being unapologetically themselves. Even so, by looking at the Zodiac signs of the group we might gleam some further insight into how their characters coalesce.

First off, “momager” and matriarch, Kris Jenner is a Scorpio. This makes her a natural born leader, determined, and forthright. As well as this, Caitlyn and Kendall Jenner are also both Scorpios, whilst Kourtney Kardashian is an Aries, making her confident and self-assured. The youngest of the bunch, Khloe Kardashian falls under the sign of the Cancer, a sign known to be thoughtful, sensitive, and caring. Next is Rob Kardashian who is a reserved and subtle Pisces. Without a doubt Kylie Kardashian is the fierce, passionate Leo, and of course, Kim is the levelheaded Libra.

Are Zodiac Signs Real?

It’s tempting to believe your horoscope when it tells you that true love is just around the corner – you want it to be true – and it’s amusing to think it could be, but Zodiac signs and horoscopes are not, and never have been, backed up by any scientific evidence. 

For thousands of years humans have looked to the sky for answers. Ancient Egyptians thought that the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star, around mid-July, was an indication of the flooding of the Nile, and travelers have used the movements and patterns of the stars to map out their way. So, whether used as a practical tool or taken to be mystical fortune-tellers, the stars have always played a crucial role in human understanding.

Today, however, they are mostly used as a source of entertainment and are not considered real or true. However, naturally, many are still intrigued by astrology and it’s meanings, and Kim being born October 21 makes her a definite Libra. Maybe this is the reason Kim K is so measured and successful, or maybe not, either way it’s fun to wonder.
