How to play the Tarisland Closed Beta?

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Tencent recently unveiled its brand new MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) titled Tarisland, which is expected to be released soon on Android, iOS, and PC. It will be set in the Western fantasy world with an epic storyline and feature multiple biomes and civilizations, with vast worlds to explore and a plethora of characters to choose from.

While the official release date for the game hasn't been announced yet, Tencent and LocoJoy Games have announced the launch of Tarisland's Closed Beta, which is set to commence on June 27, 2023. It will be launched for Android testing in select regions that include Brazil, Canada, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom, while PC players can access it across all regions.

Tarisland Closed Beta details and how to register

If players are looking to register for the beta, they can follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Go to Tarisland's official website and click the Sign-up button on the homepage.

Step 2 - Enter a valid email address in the dialog box.

Step 3 - After entering, tick the Acknowledgment Box and hit the Subscribe button to complete the registration process.

Step 4 - Once registered, you will receive a mail from Tarisglobal. As mentioned earlier, if you're playing on a PC, you can access the beta from any region. However, if you're on Android, you won't be able to access it unless you reside in Brazil, UK, Philippines, or Canada.

In Tarisland's Closed Beta, players will be able to select one of the seven character classes, each differing in combat styles and weapon specializations. They will be available before exploring Ancash Canyon, SilverLit, and Misty Forest.

The seven character classes announced so far are:

Players will have to get a good grasp of each class as they will be teaming up to take on raids and dungeons. Tarisland supports cross-platform gaming and cross-progression across all platforms, which is something gamers can expect when signing up for the Closed Beta.

A special event also awaits those who wish to secure their place in the Annals of Tarisland's history, where the first to defeat the four dungeon bosses with a team of 10 will receive exclusive Closed Beta rewards, including some titles. The Beta will also give players the opportunity to try out five crafting professions and if they are skilled enough, enter the Arena and take on the World Bosses.

Sign up for the Closed Beta for exclusive rewards (Image via LocoJoy)

One of the most salient features of Tarisland is that it will be a non-play-to-win game. The developers implemented it to promote a fair and sustainable ecosystem. Hence, players won't have to spend real currency on any in-game purchases and stat-boosting items won't be sold in the shop. Hence, progression will be on an equal pacing and fair manner.

Additionally, characters from all classes are fully customizable and can be tailored to one's preferences and individual playstyles. Progression will be based on a seasonal system that will introduce new PvE content and PvP challenges. PC players will get a customizable interface and thanks to cross-progression, saved data can be carried over across platforms.

Those who have registered should keep a close eye on Tarisland's official website and follow the game's Twitter, YouTube, Discord, and Facebook channels for more updates about the Closed Beta. This exciting new MMORPG title will provide players with a rich and compelling story like no other, with plenty of worlds to explore, characters to play as, and rewards for quick progression.

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