How to get a rematch with the Grafted Scion tutorial boss in Elden Ring

Publish date: 2024-06-03

After starting out in Elden Ring, players quickly get overwhelmed by the Grafted Scion in the tutorial. This serves as the end of the tutorial and transports players to Limgrave to start their exploration of the open world.

However, some players may want to take their revenge against the Grafted Scion. The good news is that it is possible to re-challenge the Grafted Scion and beat it.

Finding and challenging the Grafted Scion in Elden Ring

Once players have made it out of Elden Ring's tutorial area and geared up, they can return to the location where the Grafted Scion resides. This can be done by visiting the Four Belfries location, which is situated inside of Liurnia of the Lakes.

Players can reach the Four Belfries by heading northwest of Raya Lucaria. Once they reach the Four Belfries, players will have to locate the portal to the Grafted Scion.

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Unlocking the portal to the Grafted Scion

Players need to enter the Four Belfries to claim the Imbued Sword key so that they can enter the portal and face the tutorial boss, Grafted Scion (Image via Elden Ring)

Once inside the Four Belfries, players must locate the Imbued Sword Key, which just happens to be inside the tallest Belfry. Players must make their way up and locate a chest.

Inside the chest is the Imbued Sword Key, which players can then take down a hill located southeast of Belfry. Upon reaching the bottom of the hill, they will locate a portal which states "Precipice of Anticipation."

Entering the portal

Once players use the key to activate the portal, they will be transported to a location near the Grafted Scion. Players can explore the area and will reach the yellow mist portal soon enough.

Once they enter through this portal, a fight with the Grafted Scion will begin. However, the fight should not be as hard as it was when the player started the game, as they would then have some gear.

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Fighting the Grafted Scion

Players should stay out of close range to the Grafted Scion. Attacks can be baited by moving closer to it and then quickly backing up.

Players should stay close to the center of the arena and try to use a shield if possible as well. By dodging away from its attacks, players will be able to claim loot from the Grafted Scion, a brand new sword and shield, and get revenge for the Elden Ring tutorial.

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