Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Monday, October 25 Recap Devil Threatens to Stop Marlenas Heart C

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Monday, October 25 Recap – Devil Threatens to Stop Marlena’s Heart Cold – Abe Reunites with Lexie

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Monday, October 25, reveals that the devil threatened to stop Marlena Evans’ (Deidre Hall) heart cold while dead Abe Carver (James Reynolds) reunited with Lexie Carver. Here’s how all the DOOL drama played out.

At the hospital on Monday’s Days episode, Kayla Johnson (Mary Beth Evans) frantically did CPR on Abe.

When Eli Grant (Lamon Archey) came in, Kayla pulled her hands away and declared that Abe was gone. Eli pushed Kayla to do something, so she decided to keep trying – even though it was a long shot.

In the waiting area, Julie Williams (Susan Seaforth Hayes) talked about knowing Abe for 40 years.

Paulina Price (Jackée Harry) reflected on meeting Abe eight months ago and never imagining she’d be engaged to him now. She was eager for news, but Eli didn’t mention just how bad things were when he reappeared.

Lani Price-Grant (Sal Stowers) decided she should call Theo Carver (Cameron Johnson), so she woke him up in the middle of the night in South Africa.

Theo got updates on the shooting and promised to be on the first flight out from Johannesburg.

Lani also left a voicemail for Brandon Walker (Matt Cedeño) as they waited to learn more. As Lani thought about losing Abe, she teared up and suggested they’d already been robbed of so much time.

Lani said this couldn’t be the end as Paulina stood there looking nervous.

Next on Monday’s Days episode, Abe walked into the light and found himself in the garden where Lexie Carver died. When Lexie appeared, Abe was in awe and remembered how he lost her 10 years ago.

Abe talked about how he could still see Lexie whenever Theo smiled and had some flashbacks of big moments in their relationship.

After Abe talked about all the highs and lows, he insisted they would be together again. Lexie replied that they couldn’t – that she would be there waiting, but it wasn’t Abe’s time yet.

Abe decided Lexie was right and thought about all the people who needed him in Salem. He gave Lexie a kiss and told her he’d be seeing her before he walked out of the garden.

Back in the hospital, Kayla stopped CPR and was prepared to call the time of death. Suddenly, Abe’s machine started beeping again to indicate a heartbeat. She eventually told Abe’s loved ones in the waiting area, so a relieved Lani and Paulina were allowed to see him for a moment.

As Abe regained consciousness, Lani urged him not to talk since just opening his eyes was enough. Paulina thanked Abe for fighting his way back and offered a reminder of how much they loved him.

Lani also expressed her love and gave Abe a kiss on the head. Paulina looked pensive over the “father”-daughter moment – and in the shadows behind them all, Lexie left the room.

At St. Luke’s, possessed Marlena, turned the cross on the wall upside down. When John Black (Drake Hogestyn) threatened to scoop up some holy water, the devil made the water turn red and boil.

The devil made it clear that all he had to do was snap his fingers and then he could stop Marlena’s heart cold.

The devil added that’s what he was going to do to Doug Williams (Bill Hayes) if Marlena hadn’t listened and let him in.

John learned that possessed Marlena clocked Julie over the head and framed Doug for it. Now that John knew about the devil reentering Marlena’s body, it was a problem.

The devil continued speaking through Marlena and said he’d picked up some new techniques over the years. John vowed to defeat the devil again anyway.

John said the love he shared with Marlena was stronger than the hold the devil had on her.

John insisted he was going to get his wife back and refused to leave the church without her.

However, the devil said John was wasting his time since Marlena had given herself to her completely. He argued that Marlena couldn’t hear John, but the real Marlena piped up to say she could.

Marlena’s voice could be heard saying that John’s love was making her stronger. As Marlena started to wobble, the devil found his strength again. He shoved a pew over with his power and then threw John up against the wall.

John lost consciousness before possessed Marlena grabbed a candlestick and prepared to kill him. The real Marlena called out and warned the devil not to do it, so he decided to let John live for now since he might be useful.

Since the devil couldn’t leave John there in that condition, possessed Marlena began dragging him away.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say John will be held hostage in the DiMera crypt soon, so stay tuned to DOOL.

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