Baldur's Gate 3: All Jaheira endings explored

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Baldur's Gate 3 allows players to choose their actions and narrative trajectories. These choices can affect the outcome of the quests and storylines they become a part of. Aside from interacting and dealing with the various NPCs, players will also have to think about their companions and party members. Similar to everything else in Baldur's Gate 3, these companions will be affected by your decisions. This means their personal quests have different outcomes.

One such character in the game is Jaheira. She has a few different outcomes, and here's what can happen depending on your choices.

Jaheira's possible fates in Baldur's Gate 3

Jaheira is a potential companion that will first show up in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3. She is a Half-Elf, multi-classed as a Druid and Fighter. A returning character from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, here's every ending for Jaheira in this entry.

She joins your party

Jaheira can be found in the Last Light Inn early in Act 2, but simply walking up to recruit her is impossible. The whole process of having her join your group is long and dangerous.

The option will show up during the assault on Moonrise Towers, where the battle with Ketheric Thorm takes place, which means you must complete all the quests leading to the assault. This fight has two phases — the first one is at the top of the tower. After receiving a certain amount of damage, Ketheric will retreat to the lower levels.

To continue the battle, you will need to follow him down. However, before pursuing him, turn to Jaheira and ask her to face Ketheric together. At this point, she will be a permanent party member.

Jaheira dies in Act 2

Outside of combat or players killing her themselves, there are several ways for Jaheira to perish in the second act of Baldur's Gate 3. So make sure to avoid these if you want to recruit her.

She can die during the assault on Moonrise Towers, especially if not controlled by you. The best way to prevent her death is to recruit her as a temporary party member. This will let you determine her actions similar to other party members.

Jaheira can also perish during the assault on Last Light Inn should players fail to protect Isobel. The Harpers become inflicted with the malaise that has ravaged the Shadow-Cursed lands if Marcus succeeds in taking Isobel. Jaheira will stand with you but could become a victim in this tough battle.

If Isobel is successfully protected later on, but Nightsong dies in the Gauntlet of Shar, Jaheira perishes off-screen unless she is in your camp in Baldur's Gate 3.

She leaves your party upon Minsc's death

Even after becoming a permanent party member and having survived all the way to the third act of Baldur's Gate 3, players can still lose Jaheira. This involves the High Harper quest, leading to the eventual meeting with Minsc. The task will culminate in a battle with him. If you fail to neutralize him in a non-lethal manner, Jaheira will decide it is time for her to leave.

If players defeat Minsc without killing him, the option to recruit him will appear, and Jaheira remains on the team. Unlike the Origin characters in Baldur's Gate 3, Jaheira does not have a personal quest, so these are the only outcomes related to her.

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